Make Better Career Decisions

Is this you?

Studying at a UK university?

Planning to Land A Great Job - Start an Exciting Career?

Looking for an Advantage?

Want to be more employable?

Want an easy way to get input from your peers about career choices?

We're changing the face of careers

And we want to invite you to come along with us on the journey.

About IF

Inferential Futures is a young technology company, with founders based in the UK and US.

When it comes to figuring out what you want to do with your life, we believe that it's you that should be in charge. But we know that this isn't something that's easy or straightforward to do.

So we're building a solution that's based on a radically different approach - to help you to consider all the options and to decide what's really right for you.

It's a tall order, and that's where you come in. Our early adoptor users will play a key role in developing something that will help everyone.

And in exchange, you'll get great support for your own career planning, develop a great professional network, and plenty more.


What are the benefits?

Get access to career planning tools.

Find out what jobs match your interests and your personality, research industries and companies that have a future and that line up with your goals. Get a better understanding of the future demand for careers in which you have an interest.

Search for jobs intelligently

Match your CV to currently available jobs.

Expand your peer mentoring and employer mentoring network

Easily get input from your peers on critical decisions like what to study, what careers to consider, what industries to which you want to contribute, what companies align mosts closely with your values. Hear from the professionals who make hiring decisions in the industries and companies in which you have an interest.

Learn about online events that match your career and educational interests and goals.

Expand the power of your network by attenting events that have been curated with your interests in mind.